Donating behavior refers to the act of voluntarily providing money, goods, or time to someone in need to increase their well-being. Donation behavior is a type of prosocial behavior2 and can be divided into organ donation, 3 blood donations, 4 donations of goods, 5 and monetary donation. Regardless of the choice they made, all participants had to scroll to the bottom of the donation selection page to continue to the next page of the study. And like impulse purchases, these donations can be requested with marketing techniques that emotionally appeal to people to donate.
For example, social networks could support live donation events, in which participation is recognized with visual changes in people's online profiles. Facilitating the act of giving and making you feel good are useful in all cases of charitable giving. Managers of charitable organizations struggle to attract customers who can actively donate money in response to various fundraising campaigns. The results indicate that there were no significant differences in the probability of donation between the 16 sizes of the assortment of organizations, neither for people with a high certainty of preference nor for people with uncertain preferences among charitable causes.
To better understand how the configuration of the options will affect the behavior of future donations, it may be relevant for future studies to measure how participants feel and reason and, at the same time, choose from the available options. However, there are conflicting findings that suggest that the size of larger sets leads to an increase in donations (Soyer and Hogarth, 201) and that the size of sets does not have a solid effect on donation behavior, but could have an effect when individuals are required to justify their choice (Scheibehenne et al. After receiving instructions and giving their informed consent, participants were asked to answer how often they donate to charities. In addition, SEM procedures have never refuted the expanded TPB model for investigating the intentions and behavior of donating money.
This would make it possible to separate people who did not want to donate in this study or in the future from people who chose not to do so because they wanted the amount of the bonus to go to an organization of their own choosing (not included in the assortment). These simple approaches to drive more donations in a smarter way can help people become aware of the dynamics that govern their decision-making and then take advantage of those factors for good. The following is a discussion of how manipulating these extrinsic factors could have altered the way participants interacted with the choice of donation.